In the wake of today’s complicated and racially divisive political and social climate where xenophobia, nationalism, racial and religious intolerance run rampant, we bring the biracial indigenous love story of Temple of the Souls to the stage. We believe this Romeo and Juliet style story will inspire and energize the world and that Temple of the Souls can be a leader for tolerance and change.
History: In less than forty years of Spanish conquest, the Taíno population in the Caribbean fell from hundreds of thousands to under 1,000 inhabitants. The indigenous Taínos of Puerto Rico were decimated by the Spaniards who stole their land, raped their women, and almost massacred an entire society.
To escape enslavement, scores of Taínos leapt to their deaths from the cliffs in El Yunque rain forest. This sacred ground in our play is known as the Temple of the Souls.
The current Taíno tribe living in the US and the Caribbean is a blended race proud of its heritage but its cultural history of America and Columbus's colonization is absent from most text books and classrooms.